SolarMax Technology

2000 jobs created in the California clean energy and transportation sector

Written by Philip Small | Jul 27, 2015 10:27:28 PM

According to the San Francisco Business Times, nearly 2,000 jobs were recently added to the clean energy and transportation sector of California during the first quarter of 2015. The top five states creating the most jobs in this field include Georgia, California, Texas, New Mexico and Michigan. These positions are scattered around California, with some in the Northern part of the state, Monterey County and San Mateo.

During the first quarter of 2015, more than 9,800 new clean technology jobs were announced nationwide, almost twice the amount created in 2014. Environmental Entrepreneurs, a national nonpartisan business group based in Washington, D.C., said they assisted in the creation of about 570,000 jobs during this time period.

Solar jobs account for more than 6,000 renewable non-polluting energy jobs of 10,000,  and wind accounts for about 1,400. The rest of the employment opportunities include energy storage, lighting efficiency, biomass and electric or hybrid vehicles.

As the solar sector continues to grow in size and demand,this renewable source of power is poised to provide a number of benefits to panel owners, including:

  • An abundance of energy: The Earth receives 120,00 terawatts of solar radiation in one year, 20,000 times more power than what is actually needed to supply the world's energy needs.
  • Reducing overall costs: With the newest introduction of net metering and feed-in tariff (FIT) homeowners have the ability to track their own electricity consumption. Recent research has indicated that adding solar panels can bring  in savings of at least $100 a month in many states.
  • Sustainability: Solar power creates job and energy needed right now, providing both a short- and long-term solution without compromising on energy reserves or the health of the environment for future generations.

To learn more about residential solar panels and their benefits, contact SolarMax Technology. To request a free solar consultation, click HERE.