SolarMax Technology

Solar power prices continue to plummet

Written by Philip Small | Aug 21, 2015 5:23:33 PM

According to Cost of Solar, the average price of going solar in the U.S. dropped 50 percent in the past five years alone. There has never been a better time to go solar.

The latest publication from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Tracking the Sun VIII: The Installed Price of Residential and Non-Residential Photovoltaic Systems in the United States, the median price of installed residential solar power dropped by nine percent from 2013 to 2014. 

This price drop is on par to continue into and beyond 2015. 

These reductions are not coming from the actual decrease of solar module costs, but rather the soft costs that are often associated with the installation. These include permitting, inspection costs, system design and construction labor costs. 

"Soft cost reductions are partly due to steady increases in system size and module efficiency, though likely also reflect a broad and sustained emphasis within the industry and among policymakers on addressing soft costs," as said in the article.

In addition, price variances across the state are also apparent, with many states offering varying prices for solar power and its installation.

The advantages and efficiency's of solar power are well known. SolarMax Technology understands these benefits. We make it as easy as possible for California residents to invest in and reap the benefits from solar power additions on their homes.

Solar power reduces a home's carbon footprint and decreases utility bills.

Our services are seamless, offering a range of customer care including installation, warranties, consultations, design and affordable financing. 

If you're interested in learning more about solar power technology or residential solar panels, contact SolarMax Technology today. 

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