SolarMax Technology

SolarMax Technology seeks to educate students

Written by Philip Small | Aug 25, 2015 7:23:18 PM

Recent California Department of Education data shows that over 4,000 students did not finish their high school degree in San Bernardino County. Business Wire reports that the county came in behind many other regions of the state in regards to graduation rates.

Taking it upon itself to inspire young people to pursue a career or have job-ready skills within the field of solar energy, SolarMax Technology recently opened a technical education program at Aurora High School in the county. 

This forward-thinking program, SolarMax University, was created to foster growth in the next generation's leaders and renewable energy solutions. Company officials and educational professionals in the district collaborated to create a comprehensive study and coursework plan, resulting in classes scheduled in the mornings and embedded within the currently curriculum offered in the school.

"We can't afford to fail when it comes to educating our kids," SolarMax Technology Executive Vice President Ching Liu says. "There are so many career opportunities in an industry like ours, but the skill sets required aren't necessarily available through traditional educational models. SolarMax University can help change that dynamic."

SolarMax Technology has continued to hold strong ties with civic, business and educational causes since we were founded in 2008. We are one of the fastest growing residential solar system providers in our area as we have already installed over 4,300 solar panels for customers just like you. Contact us today or visit our website to learn more about the benefits of photovoltaic solar panels and how to install solar panels for your home. 

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