SolarMax Technology Blog

Building efficiency driving advanced energy industry

A recent report shows that building efficiency has become a big business across the United States. The advanced energy industry, which includes energy efficiency, clean power and renewables, has reached $199.5 billion in annual revenue, surpassing the airline industry and matching pharmaceuticals, according to Advanced Energy Economy (AEE). The report, generated by Navigant Research, shows that global revenue for advanced energy grew by 12 percent last year to reach a total value of $1.3 trillion.

"We are seeing a transformation in the way we make, manage, and use energy in this country and around the world. This transformation is driven by dynamic changes in technology, policy, and markets," Graham Richard, CEO of AEE, noted in the report.

Energy efficiency topped the industry in terms of revenue growth at $60.1 billion revenue, a 43 percent growth over the last four years in the U.S. However, disruptive energy has had a major influence as well, with $6.3 billion in revenu​e in the U.S. and $35 billion globally, led by solar investments.

Kevin Self, vice president of strategy and corporate development at Johnson Controls, noted that building efficiency is a critical growth sector because it help drive so many benefits for businesses, from reduced energy costs to improved resiliency.

One important part about building an energy-efficient building is incorporating renewable, clean energy. Installing solar panels for your home is the best way for homeowners to accomplish this same goal. If you're considering solar, now is the time to invest, with the cost of photovoltaic solar panels falling and tax incentives across California making solar a more affordable option than ever before.

Check out SolarMax Technology for your solar needs. We'll go over financing options and the best way to get solar panels installed on your roof as quickly as possible to start reducing your reliance on fossil fuels.

To receive a free solar consultation, click HERE.

by Philip Small March 20, 2015 0 No Comments Post: Uncategorized

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